Frank Rushton

Little seems to be know about Frank Rushton. Browning family history records that he was about 10 years older than John Moses and that he met an “untimely death” sometime after the production of rifles stopped in 1883.

He appeared in Utah about 1880 having come from England as a Mormon convert. Frank had learned his trade among the factories of Birmingham and naturally sought out the well advertised Browning shop once in Ogden. His arrival was auspicious, as the Browning Brothers factory was in desperate need of guidance during its setup. Frank would prove instrumental in preparing the factory and teaching the Browning brothers the methods of manufacturing. John Browning would later recall “I learned more from Frank than from any other man I ever knew, except Pappy.” and “I’m not so sure I could have pulled us through without [him].” Frank would shortly leave the Browning shop start his own business.