US patent No. 486272 is the second John Browning lever action to employ an en bloc clip. The action is unusually long, lacking the typical Browning efficiency of design. It was one of twelve prototypes produced by the Browning Brothers in 1892, most of which were sold to Winchester but never manufactured.

This rifle utilizes a tilting bolt and box magazine using an en bloc clip. The breech-block is attached at its rear to the forward end of the lever. In this configuration the receiver more resembles the older Henry designs than the compact arrangements typical of Browning. It was, however, the first rifle to use a lever link arranged to the rear of the trigger guard. The same link arrangement would be later used on the Winchester 1895.

Inventor: John Browning, Matthew Browning

Patent Attorney: Earle & Seymour

Assigned: Winchester, June 1892